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I Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social


MORALES, Patricia Pérez. Educación amerindia: una pedagogía para la vida. In Proceedings of the 1. I Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social, 2006, São Paulo (SP) [online]. 2006 [cited 09 October 2024]. Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000092006000100042&lng=en&nrm=iso> .

For the Amerindian communities the education is a living dimension that imply community living, the corporal living, and the practical and applicable, these cannot denied the intelligence and knowledge of the elderly, the daily living of the community. There are no unique restrictions of any physical bounderies, participate in parties, in the fields, rituals, family living to say, in the every day living of each community. This is how we give certification o an education like Ferreira Santos point out "let it be its own final and last practices: to help conduct and bring out the potentials of humanity that exits in people" (2004:1). That's contributes to the unity of men and as Duarte writes:"An education that recongnizes the sensible fundamentals of our existence and that dedicates the right attention, appropriate to its resolutions" (2004:171). By the way an education preoccupies for the humanity, how to be indivisible, to say, by one way to be attentive to learning techniques and knoeledge related to their instrumental but also to its sensitivity, complying an equilibrium, these two dimensions appropriate of men. An education that opens the door to a diversity of phases that incorporates humans to its practice of its language: the corporal, the sensitive, the imaginative an one that can be express thru art and culture. Taken as a base the notion of education, which presents the experience of the education that is developing at the interior of some Indians communities of Chimborazo, Ecuador. The acceptance has retaken the sensible education, the sensible reasoning and the Amerindians education, developed by some authors. The acceptance of the methodology concentrates in the notion of hermeneutical of (Ortiz-Oses y Ferreira Santos) based on the text, interviewing, visual registers, narratives and productions articiocentric of the communities also will work with contributions of Michel Maffesoli, George Gusdorf, Boaventura de Sousa, Paulo Freire and Joao - Francisco Duarte. The anthropologic contributions specifically of the Quichuas were analyzed from Ferreira Santos and Josef Estermann.

Keywords : Amerindian Education; Sensible Education; Sensible Reasoning.

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