III Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social
YOBA, Carlos Pedro Cláver and CHOCOLATE, Francisco António Macongo. Social education and the contribution of the families in Angola.. In: III CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE PEDAGOGIA SOCIAL, 3., 2010, São Paulo. Proceedings online... Associação Brasileira de Educadores Sociais (ABES), Available from: <>. Acess on: 07 Feb. 2025.
The present paper has had as the researching space the region of Cabinda, Republic of Angola. Having the view on the efforts developed in the social field, the aim of the paper is to analyze the contribution of the "family" institution as an active partner of social pedagogy on the children's education, from the point of view of social work. In its central part, it addresses the contribution of the families for the processes of children's/pupils' education and educational guidance in the Angolan society. Under this perspective, the discussion has been based on the following issue: "How do the countries contribute to the children's/pupils' education?" It has been directed to the observation on the data obtained through the applying of a questionnaire to 36 children from the 4th grade of primary school (4th grade of basic education in Brazil) in a private school, and on a descriptive research emphasizing the qualitative approach. It has been found, in the end of present paper, that the children showed learning difficulties, apathy, discouragement and outgoing disposition as a consequence of little parents/tutors attendance on their school activities and on the observation of cohabitation full of conflicts in their homes. Due to parents/tutors attendance on their educational journey and on the observation of harmonious cohabitation, there was an opposing situation. It's obvious, from the results, that for the children's satisfactory scholar's development and benefit, it is extremely important that the parents/tutors give constant and methodical attention to their children's education. Dialogs, visits to school and help on the difficulties from school are, among others, the essential ways to reach this wish.
Keywords : education; family; parents [tutors]; children [pupils].