3Pedagogia hospitalar na Pedagogia Social: reflexões teóricas author indexsubject indexsearch form
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III Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social


VASQUEZ, Eliane Leal and NEVES, Edmar Souza das. Atuação profissional do educador social penitenciário: o caso do sistema penitenciário do Amapá.. In: III CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE PEDAGOGIA SOCIAL, 3., 2010, São Paulo. Proceedings online... Associação Brasileira de Educadores Sociais (ABES), Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000092010000100007&lng=en&nrm=abn>. Acess on: 11 Dec. 2024.

In this work we analyze the Professional actuation of the penitentiary social educator in Amapá State. It's about a group of public employees from higher and/or secondary education that performs straightforward with prisoners population. Their daily activities are managed by penal treatment coordination. The work of this group is essential to penal treatment coordination, because it enables the access to religious, material, social, juridical, health, educational assistance or professional education that are warranted as rights to prisoners or custody persons by "Instituto de Administração Penitenciária do Amapá" and "Penitenciária Feminina do Amapá" starting from a professional actuation supported in the social pedagogy. We did semi-structured interviews with two prison social educators and we an alyzed legal documents, with crossing of dates through the Integrated System of Penitentiary Information, based on the perspective of qualitative research and exploratory characteristic. The penitentiary social educator is a state public employee that plays its role in Penitentiary System of "Amapá", contributing to the mediation of conflicts in prison environment and to the fulfillment of assistance and work to prison population. Besides that, this group is part of the human resources supporting the penitentiary administration because of reduced quantitative of public employees in this department.

Keywords : Penitentiary science; Penitentiary System of "Amapá"; Social Pedagogy; Penitentiary Social Educator; Assistances and work.

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