3Políticas públicas de educação nos presídios: práticas sócio-educativas estimulam alunos no processo de ressocialização em Minas Gerais author indexsubject indexsearch form
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III Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social


MANICA, Loni Elisete. SENAI's Professional courses in the perspective of social pedagogy?.. In: III CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE PEDAGOGIA SOCIAL, 3., 2010, São Paulo. Proceedings online... Associação Brasileira de Educadores Sociais (ABES), Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000092010000100018&lng=en&nrm=abn>. Acess on: 08 Feb. 2025.

This article will present new scenarios created by The National Service of Industrial Learning (SENAI) regarding professional education through the perspective of social pedagogy. This article will answer three questions: Are SENAI's professional courses appropriate to develop action of inclusion and incorporation through the perspective of social pedagogy? Is it possible to develop professional education in non-formal environments where technological laboratories extrapolate the conventional classrooms even when evaluated regarding knoweldge acquired outside school settings? Could teachers who facilitate professional education courses in SENAI work according to the perspective of social pedagogy and also be considered social educators? To answer these questions this article presents a brief historical analysis of PSAI - SENAI Programs of Inclusive Actions -which was created and developed by SENAI with the objective of providing professional education for vulnerable populations and promoting social reintegration. This article is a description of a program that involves several projects targeting Blacks, Indians, impoverished individuals, individuals with disabilities, senior citizens and women. This description provides a report of the experiences produced by SENAI's practices. The article also provides evidence that social pedagogy can offer support to professional education efforts toward the incorporation of certain population into the marketplace.The methodology is based on socio-educational research, for it foresees the educational intervention through professional education. The results and conclusions are directly linked to the three research questions and can be summarized in three general statements: (1) it is possible to use professional courses as a tool of social inclusion and to the development of social pedagogy, especially those that do not require higher education degrees (2) it is possible to take such courses into non-formal environments and adapt their curricula based on specific demand; (3) it is possible that an educator who facilitates courses of professional education for targeted unprivileged populations will overcome challenges that extrapolate the formal school setting and will combine practices with social pedagogy theories, even though he/she may be hired through a formal institution. These conclusions were based on the reflection and analyses of each subject studied by the scholar.

Keywords : Education; professional; pedagogy; social; inclusion.

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