3Pedagogia Social: possibilidade de empoderamento para o idosoInterface of the education and health through the action research author indexsubject indexsearch form
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III Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social


ABREU, Domingos Sávio, XAVIER, Natália Pinheiro and SILVA, Roberto dos Santos da. Social profissional's profile from Fortaleza: labor conditions and labor aspirations. In Proceedings of the 3nd III Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social, 2010, São Paulo (SP) [online]. 2010 [cited 11 October 2024]. Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000092010000100023&lng=en&nrm=iso> .

We investigated the profile, labor conditions and aspirations of street social educators from Equipe Interinstitucional de Abordagem de Rua from Fortaleza (EI) in order to better understand the functioning of direct care to children and adolescents categorized as street-dwelling individuals and contribute to the improvement of working conditions of these professionals and the service of their institutions. We conducted focal groups and applied questionnaires involving 113 educators, which represent the majority of these professionals in Ceará's capital. The qualitative and quantitative data were tallied and crossed for later analysis and reflection. Large unprotected labor was observed, such as the lack of psychological support, health insurance, employee benefits like insalubrity, lifethreatening conditions, sometimes strenuous work shifts, exposure to health problems, insecurity and great dissatisfaction and lack of continuity perspective in the career among these professionals even if there is identification with their craft. We characterized other demands for the improvement of their work beyond the items already mentioned regarding the legal and social recognition, the flexibility for the employer and freedom of action in their professional practice. We also identified among educators from the State Government program the most discouraged ones and among community educators from non-governmental organizations of EI's those who had achieved greater professional satisfaction. And we identified a connection between the type of admission and trajectory related by educators and their level of persistence in pursuing the profession, this associated to a more activist conception. Then professionals originated in social movements outstand in relation to those who enrolled in this work driven by economic necessity.

Keywords : street social educators; personal and professional profile; labor conditions; labor aspirations.

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