III Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social
CARVALHO, Sarah Tarcísia, CORRAL-MULATO, Sabrina, COSCRATO, Gisele et al. Interface of the education and health through the action research. In Proceedings of the 3nd III Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social, 2010, São Paulo (SP) [online]. 2010 [cited 11 October 2024]. Available from: <> .
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that to achieve the process of health promotion should be improved health status of individuals and to encourage the people greater control over their own health. It is known that educational practices only are effective and efficient when there is a critical participation of students, through the formation of a critical consciousness, of reflective thought, in which the subject is integrated into your reality. In order to overcome traditional educational paradigms at the interface of binomial Health and Education, highlights the methodology of action research. This is a field investigation, of qualitative approach, which proposes to promote changes to psychosocial and provide broad and explicit horizontal interaction between researcher and searching. This study aimed to analyze and disseminate the use of the methodology of action research as a scientific method appropriate in studies related to interface education and health. To contextualize the theme, were used also, scientific references about the current context of health and comprehensive health care. We used the qualitative approach, using a study descriptive-analytical-documentary, appropriating of scientific productions that address the use of action research in health and education interface. To contextualize the theme, were also used, scientific references about current context of health and comprehensive health care. In relation to action research, were followed the precepts of Thiollent (2009) and critical-social pedagogy of Paulo Freire. It was found that these studies can be divided into two main types: those that seek to train individuals critical-reflexive, aware of their responsibility for their own health; and those who aim to work together to vocational training of social-critic stamp, capable to see health professionals, as a professionals education. Both types of research identified are regarding the actions of health education, through which they carry out the dissemination of scientific knowledge, through a language accessible to the lay public,constituting a transformative action. In this context, we consider the qualitative research based on action research is a potential tool, open, active and democratic, of reorientating of health practice. It helps extend the movement to build a comprehensive and humaned care, adequate for the understanding the process of popular participation and the interdisciplinarity that the new context of health profess. However, it is still a need for greater dissemination and valorization of this methodology in the middle academic and scientific.
Keywords : Health; Health Education; Action Research; Social Pedagogy.