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IV Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social


FARIA, Alessandra Ancona de. Meninas quietinhas x meninas mandonas: o teatro no meio da briga.. In: IV CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE PEDAGOGIA SOCIAL, 4., 2012, São Paulo. Proceedings online... Associação Brasileira de Educadores Sociais, Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000092012000100002&lng=en&nrm=abn>. Acess on: 16 Jan. 2025.

This study is part of my practice as a teacher of theatre in a foundation that works with children and young people from low-income families. The group with which I worked in a theater workshop that worked on the counter-shift of regular classes had between 10 and 12 years old and was formed only by girls. We explored the understanding of theatre based on improvisation, having the proposal of Viola Spolin, theater games, as the background for the work. Within this work I'll look at two small scenes made with the group over the course of a year and presented only within the Foundation's space in the class schedule, but given the possibility to their parents to participate. In the first scene, made with the purpose of creating a story of terror, it was possible to explore with the group the differences between the images of cinema, television and theater. It is clear the reference of a television to create a scene, without the perception of differences between these two languages. At this moment it has been possible to explore with the group the specific features of the theater, working the body and other elements such as lighting and sound. In the second scene we had a permanent group conflict with me and among the girls. At this moment we could explore, through the creation of the scenes, the prejudices and power relations present in daily life of our classroom. We work with the otherness in the proposal of improvisation in which all experimented with all proposed characters. The perception of the other, of the difficulties experienced by the social roles undertaken and/or imposed, allowed the expansion of the understanding of these roles. In this way it has been possible to analyze not only the achievements on the theater concepts and on the possibilities of expression in this language, but mainly the changes in the relationship of the members of the workshop, on the possibility of establishing links and questioning of self image resulting from this experience. I, therefore, make a reflexion about the possibilities that the teaching of theatre presents in a community with these characteristics, pointing out some ways to deal with this audience.

Keywords : Theatre; Group Dynamics; Theatre Games; Power Relations.

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