IV Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social
MAIA, Antonia Lucy Lima and MACHADO, Evelcy Monteiro. As políticas educacionais para os anos iniciais da educação de jovens e adultos no município de Pinhais-PR.. In: IV CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE PEDAGOGIA SOCIAL, 4., 2012, São Paulo. Proceedings online... Associação Brasileira de Educadores Sociais, Available from: <>. Acess on: 07 Feb. 2025.
This is a descriptive qualitative study on educational policies for the early years of Youth and Adults in the city of Pinhais. It is considered that education, due to the evolution of human rights, besides being a social right, is a prerequisite for the enjoyment of others rights.That this type of education that throughout is history has been permeated by the struggle for achievement of greater rights, currently has a number of new shares that may somewhat favor its reinterpretation in the field of public policy. Taking this into account, we seek to investigate these processes occurring at the local level to establish relationship between educational policies for this modality and policy enforcement of human rights and promotion of citizenship through the redemption of their political meaning. Public policies are understood as a set of actions that the government carries out aimed at the effective exercise of equality, the basis of all social rights and guarantees, considered in this study are guided by principles of empowerment and autonomy advocated by Paulo Freire. The sources used to discuss education policy for adult education are the legal documents in the field of education from the Constitution of 1988 and 1996 of the LDB and other documents infra character and all legislation dealing whit municipal guarantees for access, retention and quality of teaching this modality. We demonstrate that the EJA, despite winning more spaces in the right education still has a long way towards the realization of those rights requiring repositioning in the national political agenda so that it can lend itself to providing tools for everyone to better read, interpret and act in reality. Use will be the production of Bobbio ( 2004), Boneti ( 2000), Beisiegel ( 1997), Cury ( 2005) Freire ( 1982) Gadotti and Torres( 2003), Brandão ( 2001), Paiva ( 1997), Soares( 2001), Di Pierro ( 2008), Machado ( 2009), among others.
Keywords : Educational Policy; Youth and adult education; human rights; social justice; Social Pedagogy.