IV Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social
MORSOLIN, Cristiano. La lucha en contra de la violencia urbana, por la participación ciudadana de los adolescentes y jóvenes utilizados por las mafias en Bogotá y Medellín (Colombia).. In: IV CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE PEDAGOGIA SOCIAL, 4., 2012, São Paulo. Proceedings online... Associação Brasileira de Educadores Sociais, Available from: <>. Acess on: 07 Feb. 2025.
The growth of urban violence is a social phenomenon of great importance that is affecting the lives of people in the world. It was considered necessary to build social and institutional networks that provide expertise from different places, perspectives and approaches to a better understanding of the nature of the phenomenon. This paper investigates the specific cases of Bogota and Medellin (Colombia) in the fight against urban violence and in favor of civic participation of young people and adolescents used by the mafia. This paper attempts to answer questions about the experiences of citizen participation, education to legality, non-violent resistance against the mafias, explored such as: What specific contexts of violent confrontation and domination of mafia actors emerge? What are their modes of action and concrete action repertoires that have developed civil society depending on these contexts? What is the contribution of critical pedagogy and popular education in this process of liberation? How public policy can address the devastating effects of this violence in adolescents and young people used by the mafia, in the coexistence, in the "civilizing" and the rule of law? The analysis seeks to overcome the stereotype and stigma (as the case of baby-killers) to cities that have changed radically, thanks to the good practices of progressive mayors in the dialogue with civil society committed to building a true democracy, that recognize the role and subjectivity at the social, economic and political sectors also historically marginalized and excluded by poverty and conflict. We try to show that the scene and the social, political, economic and cultural development of urban areas have not only been led by the actors mafia, but also by neighborhood communities, grassroots civil society, which with their leadership and collective actions to resist and build alternative hand experiences with municipal governments who believe in the transformation from below, with public policies promoting inclusion of the peripheries, demobilization of armed actors, the strengthening of democracy that affects the causes of exclusion and conflict, the recognition of adolescents and youth of the popular sectors as a subject truly citizen.
Keywords : Young people; citizen participation; mafia; Colombia.