IV Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social
SOUZA, Cristóvão Pereira and PASSEGGI, Maria da Conceição. A narrativa videobiográfica na formação da autonomia de adolescentes abrigados. In Proceedings of the 4th. Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social IV Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social, 2012, São Paulo (SP, Brazil) [online]. 2012 [cited 07 February 2025]. Available from: <> .
Faced with the need to think of ways to meet the specialized social and educational issues within the non-formal education in order to triad developed theory, practice and professionalization of social pedagogy, this study asks: How to monitor adolescents housed in the formation of their autonomy? The issue summarizes the challenges faced by a population with diverse difficulties faced by those adolescents who move into adulthood in more stable situations and affective. The housed in public institutions, civic or charitable organizations, bring in their stories of life the scars of abuse, rejection and relationships of disaffection, experienced within their families, and tags of the obstacles in seeking help, in the absence of meaning to school and lack of job prospects, lived outside. As part of this problem, we discuss the production of videos as autobiographical narrative genre, analyzing the potential of audiovisual narrative videobiográfica resilience as mentoring, to enable their authors, whatever their level of schooling, the spelling of their audiovisual stories to reflect on them the perspective of an awareness project. The analysis results allow the identification of strategies used by adolescents to not succumb to grief, as well as skills and competences likely to commit them to rupture and overcoming the dismissal and marginalization that characterize their social exclusion. These results allow us to further advance the videobiografias contribute to the formulation of customized services, by providing evidence revealing the subjectivity of welcomed to multidisciplinary teams, executing the guidelines observed, particularly in Articles 3 and 94 of the Statute of the Child and Adolescent, establishing full protection and individualized care to those in these phases of life are in a situation of institutional care. Such a study - "The device videobiografia as action research-training: an educational practice with adolescents housed" - is in development under the accentuate-UFRN | CNPq (Interdisciplinary Group Research, Training, (Auto) Biography and Representations ), linked to the Research Line "History of Education, Socioeducational Practices and Uses of Language", the Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (PPGEd-UFRN).
Keywords : Social Pedagogy; sheltered Adolescence; Videobiografia; Narrative; Resilience.