IV Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social
ARAUJO, Éder Ferreira de, ROSEMBAUM, Ana Caroline, ARRUDA, Ariella Fernanda et al. Vulnerabilidade na saúde sexual e reprodutiva de adolescentes.. In: IV CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE PEDAGOGIA SOCIAL, 4., 2012, São Paulo. Proceedings online... Associação Brasileira de Educadores Sociais, Available from: <>. Acess on: 07 Feb. 2025.
In this qualitative study, we aimed to raise the learning needs in sexual and reproductive health of adolescents. We work twenty-one individuals of both sexes and aged between fifteen and seventeen. The study setting was the backtick (Mother Heart) in the city of Pondicherry, with students enrolled in the project ProJovem Adolescents. Data were collected through interviews and participant observation. Data analysis was developed in light of the awareness education. The results showed five themes generators, which are: conflicts and difficulties in adolescence, failure to clarify doubts about sexuality, peer pressure to stay and to have sex, early sexual initiation and risk for STDs and HIV / AIDS. The interpretations of the most significant speeches of teenagers allowed to consider the need to work self-esteem and psychological conflicts, parents / guardians, education professionals and health workers need to unite and be accountable for sexual and reproductive health of these and that, although socialization of adolescents is needed, it is also important to monitor for the couple do not influence the sexuality of these, the early start exposes the vulnerabilities for lack of experience and immaturity, which requires sex education earlier also, the risk and STDs HIV / AIDS are evident, and despite the knowledge of those on AIDS, they still have doubts about basic issues. However, you must create educational strategies for disease prevention in sexual and reproductive health of adolescents. Based on the learning needs of individuals, we conducted an educational process, with the focus on dialogue, exchange of experiences in groups and exchange of knowledge, influencing the awareness so that young people can exercise their sexuality free of risks. We reaffirm yet when it comes to sex education and reproduction, there is a long way to go, since this group is just a sample of the many teenagers who need guidance.
Keywords : Learning; Sexuality; Teen.