IV Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social
MACHADO, Evelcy Monteiro. Social Education and relations with socio-educational specificities.. In: IV CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE PEDAGOGIA SOCIAL, 4., 2012, São Paulo. Proceedings online... Associação Brasileira de Educadores Sociais, Available from: <>. Acess on: 17 Jan. 2025.
This paper presents reflections on Social Education and its relations with socio‑educational specificities, such as socio-community education and non‑formal education. It is developed from the discussion about contradictions in the social policies developed in the globalization and neoliberal context, and emphasizes the meaning and importance of the participation of the social educator/social pedagogue committed to a conception of social education that aims at social change and insertion and that makes use of such conception as an alternative to implement socio-educational projects. To this end, it was necessary to proceed with the discussion on Social Education as a socio‑educational area that incorporates practices, profession, formation and professionalization of the social pedagogue and educator and that is based on Social Pedagogy as a theoretical field of research and discipline. Then, we emphasize the moment and political visibility of the area with the proceeding in the National Congress of the bill 5346/2009, which regulates the profession of Social Educator. In conclusion, it is emphasized the great challenge to Social Education to assume an integrative role of the different socio-educational specificities built and consolidated in the country. The regulation of the profession of Social Educator may become the link to the knowledge, dialogue, approach and valorization of the historical background and references of significant expressions of the social-educational work, which includes popular education, adult education, non-formal education, community education, socio-community education and field education.
Keywords : Social Education; participation; Social Pedagogy; socio-educational specificities.