IV Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social
COLEVATE, Fatima Regina and MEGID, Maria Auxiliadora Bueno Andrade. O educador e sua contribuição para a (trans)formação da vida de jovens no programa educação para o trabalho.. In: IV CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE PEDAGOGIA SOCIAL, 4., 2012, São Paulo. Proceedings online... Associação Brasileira de Educadores Sociais, Available from: <>. Acess on: 15 Oct. 2024.
This research is about "Education for Work Program", a course program that's been in place for Senac SP2 for the last fourteen years. The course's choice is related to its results and social relevance, especially for the younger students. It will be presented different concepts and point of views from the social education, social pedagogy and from the Program educator who also contributes for others educational projects. Concepts those were in-depth with authors such "Luzuriaga (1960)" and "Silva (2009)" who have raised different moments from Social Pedagogy. This research will identify the educator contributions on these students' lives. The main idea here is: Can the social education, in this case represented by this Program, be a complementary environment for the traditional school education, contributing this way for young students interested in the business market, personal and professional development? The qualitative research was the methodology used on this study case. It was applied 136 questionnaires forms and 17 interviews with students, educators and coordinators related to the Program in order to know theirs Program's perceptions and best practices and experience with each one students. In our analyses it was verified that the Program reaches its goal, contributing with students' development. We observed positive changes in their lives and their families' lives. The family support for the students keep going on the Program represented a very important key for the good results reached. The educators were unanimous in affirming that they have great expectations related to these young students future and they believe in their positive contribution for the students' significant changes in personal and professional areas. We hope that this research can offer subsidies that allow educator's reflection about their practices that reflects in young students lives.
Keywords : Social Education; Social Transformation; Work Cycle and Business Market.