IV Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social
LONGO, Isis S. A participação nas Conferências dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente e o fortalecimento do protagonismo infanto-juvenil.. In: IV CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE PEDAGOGIA SOCIAL, 4., 2012, São Paulo. Proceedings online... Associação Brasileira de Educadores Sociais, Available from: <>. Acess on: 07 Feb. 2025.
The participation of children and adolescents in the quarrels, elaboration, implantation and fiscalization of the social politics is a challenge for century XXI. The cultural persistence of the exercise of the hegemonic politics as something it masculine and adult world is collated by the existence of the legal landmark of the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent (Law 8069/90) that it guaranteed exclusive rights to this segment, between them, the right to the participation politics (article 16). The Council of the Rights of the Child and the Adolescent (CDCAs) and the Forums of the Rights of the Child and the Adolescent (FDCAs), as instances of the Participation Democracy, have the historical commitment "to popularize" the social politics as practical, with the guarantee of the participation of the protagonists of the youthful rights, in different collective spaces. The periodic accomplishment of the Conferences of the Rights of the Child and the Adolescent with the presence and performance of boys and girls has the promising paper to mean the model conservative to think and to exert the politics. Therefore, the conferences are learning spaces politician for aged children, adolescents, adults and who can powerful the exercise of more participation politics in other environments, also, in the schools. The present article has for objective to evaluate the participation of children and adolescents in the Playful and Conventional Conferences DCAs of São Paulo, in the period of 1999 the 2011. The participant research had as database the registers of the FMDCA/SP, Reports of the CMDCA/SP, comments and interviews with delegated in the Conferences. As line of pertinent research to the Social Education, the work is inserted in the Social and Politician Domain, with prominence to the questions of the popular participation, youthful protagonism and the impact of the social actions in the public politics. The article is divided in three parts, one dedicated to the concepts about participation and education, second mentions the rules to it of the ECA and to infantile-youthful protagonism. The third part evidences the educative paper of the DCAs Conferences. As conclusion, the change of mentality and the practical conservatives in the relations is presented as basic action for the growth of the active participation of the children and adolescents in the collective spaces.
Keywords : Protagonism; ECA; Conferences DCA; Right; Antonio Gramsci.