IV Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social
AZEVEDO, Josefa Janete de and HARACEMIV, Sônia Maria Chaves. O impacto do programa de desenvolvimento de comunidade na visão das famílias.. In: IV CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE PEDAGOGIA SOCIAL, 4., 2012, São Paulo. Proceedings online... Associação Brasileira de Educadores Sociais, Available from: <>. Acess on: 07 Feb. 2025.
This dissertation focused on register and analyses the impact of the programme of Community Development and citizenship-PDC, from the voice of Libanópolis Community Garden, seeking to reflect collectively educational practices taking into account the process of mobilization, community participation and organization in the actions of the Familiar Nucleus Project, Adolescent Project star Guide. Project into action for peace and small citizen project. The relevance of this work is because, it had recorded the evolution of PDC and how it was significant in personal life, family and community, and the changes that were promoted. Considering education as a process that occurs throughout life in all social spaces, phenomenon that modifies behavior and worldview, and ass a reflection that was directed from the experiences of educational practices, exchanges and learning between the people in the community context. Knowledge of perspective i.e. socio educational research, over social work University extension has been associated with the daily lives of families. The methodology on which it was based the study was supported by qualitative research, exploratory and descriptive character and influenced by the action research, because it is the author of the PDC, technical-pedagogical coordinator, guides and oversees internship required for graduation and post graduation in Social Service of the Faculdades Integradas Espírita, whose field is the community. This way maintains direct link and constant condition provided to make a reflection on the basis of empirical and theoretical, therefore, this research was designed and carried out in close association with actions developed in the PDC. This strategy enabled the movement research: action, reflection, and new action collective, participatory and active social actors. To guide the discussions trying to discuss some categories that involves the mobilization, participation, and social organization in the social context. The research documented the social register of families found in the Community programme, by selection of twenty-six families surveyed, were regarded as participants elderly and adults, categorizing them in three moments: the construction of the profile from the residents the degree of mobilization, participation and organization of the subject and the impact of the actions of the' PDC in the participants. The search resulted, that the indicators analyzed, pointed out the need for profound changes and immediate actions from State and local public authorities.
Keywords : Actions and Educational Practices; Mobilization; Participation; Social Organization; Voice of the Community.