Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social
LEME, Maria Cecilia Garcez. Pedagogia social crítica e teologias da libertação: caminhos que se encontram na práxis latino-americana. In Proceedings of the 4th.Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social, 2012, São Paulo (SP, Brazil) [online]. 2012 [cited 07 February 2025]. Available from: <> .
In this paper I try to visualize some points of convergence between critical social pedagogy and liberation theologies in Latin America, emphasizing the epistemological and methodological contributions of Paulo Freire. From the 1960s becomes stronger and is evident in Latin America a process of institutionalization of violence liberal conservative, leading to profound and rapid changes, especially in social, political and cultural. This context led to the emergence of social criticism as a pedagogical methodologies alternatives to traditional educational practices. The epistemological foundations of classical pedagogy, the broad educational perspectives and different ways of perceiving the reality of the teaching-learning process did not account already exists to explain the educational practice in Latin America and much less offered subsidies for its transformation and adaptation to new realities and contextual needs. Among other areas of knowledge, theology was also strongly influenced by these changes and at the same time, influenced and caused significant contextual changes. Importantly, the concept of liberating education, widely studied and developed by Paulo Freire, interfere in a decisive way in theological reflection and Christian practice in the continent, both in ecclesiastical institutions - pastoral, grassroots communities, religious congregations - as well as movements who fought for social structural change and broader, though not directly linked to specific church groups, developed a mystique that inspired his own work and struggle. Emphasize the relationship between pedagogy and critical social liberation theologies supposed to review the assumptions and their historical background, as well as their practical and methodological options to see how those disciplines meet and interfere in the socio-cultural Latin American.
Keywords : Critical Social Pedagogy; theologies of liberation; Liberation Pedagogy; Paulo Freire.