Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social
SILVA, Maria das Graças Barreto da, OHARA, Conceição Vieira da Silva and LLAGUNO, Nathalie Sales. Construindo uma pedagogia social de cuidado à criança ação socioeducativa com graduandos. In Proceedings of the 4th.Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social, 2012, São Paulo (SP, Brazil) [online]. 2012 [cited 20 January 2025]. Available from: <> .
With our work with infants' massage and stimulation, we believe that in the care of mothers/fathers/infants of the community, socialeducational actions based on Freire's pedagogy and focused on the human development can be valuable strategies to humanize infants' care, with a broad result in the promotion, defense, and guarantee of children's rights. In this sense, the Grupo de Massagem e Estimulação de Bebês (Infant Massage and Stimulation Group-GMEB) has been making possible the articulation of the extension, with teaching and services directed to health and well-being, in order to face the challenge of organizing the teaching work with research as a source of knowledge production. This study uses the experience of nursing and medicine undergraduates in the observation of the expressions and reactions of mothers-infants-nurses in the Therapeutic Massage and Infant Stimulation Group (GTMEB). This is one of the activities of the GMEB, and qualitative research based on Phenomenology has been used to answer the following question: Describe your experience following the sessions at GTMEB. The students expressed how they had been affected by the originality of the experience and pointed out constructive findings about the enhancement of the bonding and spontaneity in the mothers-infants relationship. It was mentioned how it contributed positively to their personal life, indicating that a systematized professional learning reinforces the need of knowledge about the development of healthy infants and the ways to stimulate them, highlighting the importance of placing infants close to their mothers as subjects of the intervention. By welcoming the families and exchanging knowledge with professionals, mothers/fathers/infants in a dialogical interaction, based on the human relations that are established in an education/ethical action, students realize that when infants are given a voice, the importance of the subject in the care/education process is enhanced, favoring the understanding between the person and the world, in a path that is expressed by different languages, with a change in the perceptual focus. Through a significant health intervention, when infants' body language is developed, they understand the way they communicate and this has outcomes in the production of citizenship. On an interdisciplinary perspective, making a reflection resulting from the interrelation between existential care and professional care in their theoretical-practical-technical approaches reveals an education action that uses social pedagogy for infants' care which shows the social contribution of the University.
Keywords : Social Pedagogy; Pediatric Nursing; Infant Massage; Humanization of care; Phenomenological Qualitative Research.