Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social
MARINO, Marilia Josefina. Pedagogia social a serviço da juventude: investigação sociodramática em um ato. In Proceedings of the 4th.Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social, 2012, São Paulo (SP, Brazil) [online]. 2012 [cited 25 January 2025]. Available from: <> .
Today, young people experience challenges in different orders to construct its life's project. Young people from lower social class, in particular, has fewer opportunities to reflect on new roles present in their personal and professional development process.The objectives of this intervention-research into an act is to understand how young people of the "Programa Ação Jovem", developed in a country side city, experience and reflect about their life's project construction in a social education intervention, that enables that reflection. The work has reached around 70 young people between users of the program and its guests, besides some program coordinators and some local authorities covering topics such as: the challenges of today's world, roles within the family, social, professional / emotional - sexual context, values and life's project, bond construction and establishing more healthy relationship with themselves, with others and with the social context. The work method is characterized as a Sociodrama, based on the theoretical and methodological approach of Jacob Levy Moreno (1889-1974), who, as a action-research precursor, considers every sociodramatic act as an investigation act O the intervention protocol is presented and both the job description and its processing show how spontaneity-creativity appears in the way the young people dealt with their issue and with the issues of their context, making contributions in the survey of the challenges that mobilize them, in realize the new roles that they will experience in the social life and its responsibilities, related to the changes involving their corporeality, sociability and expansion of understanding of the world , the recovery of the core values that help them to build their life's project and share experiences and reflections, broadening and strengthening bonds toward healthier relationships. The data are ratified in the written statements collected at the end of the work, confirming the importance of sociological interventions that value youth public policy programs and its implementation.
Keywords : Social Pedagogy; Youth; Life Project; Sociodrama; Spontaneity; Creativity.