Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social
ASSUMPCAO, Raiane Patrícia Severino. Reflexões sobre a contribuição teórico-metodológica da educação popular freiriana para a extensão universitária. In Proceedings of the 4th.Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social, 2012, São Paulo (SP, Brazil) [online]. 2012 [cited 08 February 2025]. Available from: <> .
This paper presents the results of a study on the contribution of theoretical and methodological framework of Freirean popular education for the realization of the university extension in space, so inseparable from teaching and research. The material analyzed was obtained by conducting a literature review on the role of university extension in Brazil and a survey participant in an extension project of the UNIFESP / BS that works with young people in the city of Santos-SP. It was found that university extension, based on the concept of Freirean popular education, should be recognized as a fruitful path for the construction of an educational process that enables and scientific training and knowledge production in order processing - the construction of a process through dialogue between the academic knowledge and popular knowledge, generating actions that transformed the "world view" of the individuals involved and part of social reality. This conception of university extension has as basis the exercise of praxis - a cycle consisting of the permanent questioning of reality and the existing explanations for the theoretical, the practical performance and the production of new knowledge - resulting in a respectful dialogue and effective action from individuals who occupy different social settings and have different knowledge.
Keywords : Freiriana Popular Education; University Extension; Participatory Research; Youth.