Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social
SILVA, Renata de Lima and NGUZ'TALA, Tata. Capoeira angola: imaginário, corpo e mito. In Proceedings of the 4th.Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social, 2012, São Paulo (SP, Brazil) [online]. 2012 [cited 09 October 2024]. Available from: <> .
Data about the capoeira in the nineteenth century, especially from the archive's police and literature from Rio de Janeiro and Bahia, show them as a strong element of the culture of the enslaved and important instrument of socialization of different ethnicities and mobilization those in urban areas. The presentations of the capoeiras happened in front of barracks, churches, squares and public festivities, starring by children and street workers. As a street demonstration, the capoeira this period may be related to the notion of "encruzilhada" [in English, something crossroads] for configure itself as a multicultural event, that is, in the confluence of different cultural matrices and for identify in the flow of movement of the "encruzilhada" (to input and output as the "ginga" [swing] and as the whole dynamics of the game of capoeira). In the street, under the sunlight, among works of the slaves, or under the moonlight, of the bohemian, "sambistas" [samba dancers] and vagrants, the capoeira urban was invented in the street, where walking Exú - the God (or "Orixá", in the language of the Afro-Americans) of the "encruzilhadas" - a nd also the people of the street, referenced in Umbanda (the Afro-American religion).
Keywords : Capoeira Angola; Popular culture; Candomblé; Umbanda.