Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social
ESPOSITO, Vitória Helena Cunha, NOFFS, Neide de Aquino and SILVA, Andréa Paiva da. Social Pedagogy: curriculum, memory and human development. In Proceedings of the 4th.Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social, 2012, São Paulo (SP, Brazil) [online]. 2012 [cited 08 February 2025]. Available from: <> .
This study was developed within the research group Education and Knowledge Production / Chair Joel Martins (CNPq / PUC-SP). It assumes that the recovery of memory and the construction of a pedagogic and educational practice focused on social aspects may become a field for reflection, study and research in social sciences and humanities. The main object is to reveal the roots of a social pedagogic practice that has obtained a self-expression not only as a method, but as a possibility to intervene in situations of danger in the city of São Paulo, during the administration of Paulo Freire in the Municipal Department of Education. It considers that the legacy of this distinguished educator reverberates to this day, due to the deep transformations he produced and the emancipatory character he imprinted by his ways of viewing, being, thinking and acting on education. The conclusion is that, from the perspective of this pedagogic practice of social character, the conception of curriculum demands a new intentionality. From this point of view, curriculum undergoes a deep change: it can no longer be seen as a means to achieve a certain end, but as an edification built into action, in order to assimilate, in its construction trajectory, the world of those to whom it is related; therefore, the curriculum must consider values, beliefs and desires, opening up to the reality of those who are there. The curriculum will then turn into a path to be pursued, capable of generating comprehensions and, from these, taking out the necessary elements that may become facilities for the development of educational interventions focused on society and culture, with special concern towards the excluded population; curriculum as a living thing, in constant development, without the imposing of ready-made formulas, but making use of those that arise in the action, finding singularities, points that, showing themselves in the life of the individual and in society, will be able to illuminate a pedagogical practice committed to production of knowledge, social welfare, citizenship and human development.
Keywords : Social Pedagogy; Curriculum; Memory; Human development.