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Seminário de Saúde do Trabalhador de Franca


MIRANDA, Thalita Claudino de y LOURENCO, Edvânia Ângela dos Santos. Atenção primária á saúde como espaço precariado de trabalho: um estudo com assistentes sociais de Uberaba-MG.. In: SEMINARIO DE SAUDE DO TRABALHADOR DE FRANCA, 8., 2012, Franca. Anales electrnicos... Unesp Franca, Disponible en: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000112012000100035&lng=es&nrm=abn>. Aceso en: 09 Mayo. 2024.

This work discusses the work conditions and relations of the Social Worker in the socio-occupational set of Primary Care Attention (PCA) in the municipality of Uberaba-MG - and also the materialization of the Social Work Ethical Political Professional Project, specifically in the Support to Family's Health Group (SFHG). Seven Social Workers from Uberaba working for SFHG were the subjects of this resarch that used semi-structured interviews. The unveiling of these relations and work conditions socially contributed to the recognition of these professionals as a category that composes the working class. The study shows the empoverishment of the public policies, that together with a fragile management result in precarious work conditions.

Palabras llave : work; work conditions; Social Worker.

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