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3° Encontro Nacional ABRI 2011

ISBN 2236-7381 versión impresa


LOPES, Luara Landulpho Alves. O Brasil no regime da cooperação internacional para o desenvolvimento: quoi de neuf?. In Anales del 3° ENABRI 2011 3° Encontro Nacional ABRI 2011, 2011, São Paulo (SP, Brasil) [online]. 2011 [citado 24 Enero 2025]. Disponible en: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000122011000300008&lng=es&nrm=iso> .

In 2010, Brazil completed 60 years as an actor of the international development cooperation system: the CNAT - National Commission for Technical Assistance, created in 1950, represented the first effort to institutionalize international cooperation activities in the country. The Commission was created "to develop plans and programs to obtain technical assistance," ie, it was focused almost exclusively on received cooperation. Over the last sixty years, however, the country has undergone profound changes in the political, economic and social realms, and the role of Brazil in the international regime of development cooperation has accompanied these changes. In fact, if the CNAT was almost exclusively devoted to organizing received cooperation, today, the Brazilian Cooperation Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (ABC/MRE)  dedicates a significant portion of its resources to the cooperation provided to other developing countries (TCDC - Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries). Thus, the paper aims to systematize the institutional evolution of international development cooperation in Brazil and discuss the country's current position in the new aid architecture.

Palabras llave : International Development Cooperation; TCDC - Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries; Brazilian Cooperation Agency; aid effectiveness; corporate philanthropy.

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