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3° Encontro Nacional ABRI 2011

ISBN 2236-7381 versión impresa


GARCIA, Raphael Tsavkko. A política externa independente brasileira: de Lula/Celso Amorim a Dilma Rousseff/Antônio Patriota e um breve resumo histórico. In Anales del 3° ENABRI 2011 3° Encontro Nacional ABRI 2011, 2011, São Paulo (SP, Brasil) [online]. 2011 [citado 07 Febrero 2025]. Disponible en: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000122011000300037&lng=es&nrm=iso> .

This paper aims to briefly put in question the changes in Brazilian foreign policy in the Lula / Census Amorim period, quickly recalling the periods of Rio Branco and Oswaldo Aranha in front of the MRE, periods of high strength and independence of the Brazilian foreign policy. With Rio Branco, Brazil consolidated its borders and has forged its national identity, with Aranha, the country understood the need to industrialize and develop the country and finally, with Celso Amorim, Brazil again sought to shift the axis of its foreign policy, but not for other continent, but for another hemisphere. Finally, the study will examine the current turnaround of Dilma's government in terms of foreign policy and the setbacks to U.S. interests and other foreign powers in order to highlight the issue.

Palabras llave : Foreign Policy; Brazil; Diplomacy; Rio Branco.

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