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Congr. Intern. Pedagogia Social Jul. 2012


Social pedagogy as pedagogy in social work? The case of child protection



Thomas Marthaler

University of Kassel, FB 01 – Humanities. Arnold-Bode- Str. 10. 34109 Kassel, Germany, E-mail: t.marthaler@uni-kassel.de




The proposed presentation will treat the questions of the possible meaning of social pedagogy in the context of child protection as a context which is dominated by logics of control and constraints on the one hand and of the possible links to historical and contemporary approaches to a theory of social pedagogy on the other. With reference to empirical research in this field the specific social-pedagogical challenges, needs and possibilities are discussed. The discussion, enlightened by the dichotomy of system and life-world as adapted by German theories of Social Work especially in the 1980s, reveals typical shortcomings of social-pedagogical approaches in organizational contexts. They are characterized as the application of system solutions to life-world problems. These life-world problems constitute the social-pedagogical dilemma in modern societies, and early theoreticians tried to propose adequate life-world solutions to them. In a concluding chapter further 'life-world sensitive' propositions are made for the Brazilian situation, looking at given structures such as the Conselhos in youth welfare as well as new approaches in research and theory.

Keywords: Social Pedagogy. Child Protections.



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