| Communication in the self-help group as a support in the rehablitation of mastectomized women Cavalcanti, Pacífica Pinheiro; Fernandes, Ana Fátima Carvalho; Rodrigues, Maria Socorro Pereira
| Evaluation in science and technology: the peers' role in reviewing papers for publication in journals Reiners, Annelita Almeida Oliveira; Costa, Aldenan Lima Ribeiro Corrêa da; Zborowski, Ilza dos Passos; Lourenço, Maria Regina; Hortense, Priscilla; Sant'Anna, Roberta Paula de Melo
| The meaning of hydrotherapy: a study with adult women Sabioni, Rosane Rossi; Galante, Anderson Cleyton; Pelá, Nilza Teresa Rotter
| The male nursing student: his meaning for university undergraduates Pelá, Nilza Teresa Rotter; Galante, Anderson Cleyton; Gabrielli, Joyce M. Worschech
| Eyes and ears open: discourse fragments about the nursing formation process Esperidião, Elizabeth; Munari, Denize Bouttelet
| Communication with educational videos in the detection of breast cancer Silva, Raimunda Magalhães da; Fernandes, Ana Fátima Carvalho; Rebouças, Isaura Letícia Palmeira
| Working in group in post graduation courses: integrating theory and practice Grando, Lúcia Helena; Perez Galastro, Elizabeth; Amaral, Marta Araújo; Silva, Maria Júlia Paes da
| Nursing communication in the follow-up of children in primary health care Figueiredo, Glória Lúcia Alves; Mello, Débora Falleiros de
| Experiment report: animal assisted therapy (AAT) - another resource in the communcation between patient and nurse Kawakami, Cíntia Hissae; Nakano, Cyntia Kaori
| Proposal for implementation of the nursing process in semi-intensive therapy Sperandio, Dircelene Jussara; Martinez Évora, Yolanda Dora
| The family of neonates in ICU: is there communication with the nurses? Reis, Juliana Dias; Vetorelli, Simone Pinheiro; Vieira, Maria Rita Rodrigues
| Communication in the integrated curriculum of the nursing graduation course at the State University of Londrina Fontes, Maria Cristina F.; Utyama, Iwa Keiko Aida; Rodrigues, Ines Gimenes
| Sociodemographic factors of women in the puerperium and their assimilation of group orientation Sacai, Sabrina; Praça, Neide de Souza
| The communication process dimension in scientific production about neonatal nursing Almeida, Ana Paula; Kimura, Amélia Fumiko
| Help relationship between the nurse and total laryngectomized patients in the Provox phonatory rehabilitation Bertoncello, Kátia Cilene Godinho; Furegato, Antonia Regina F.; Scatena, Maria Cecília Morais; Sawada, Namie Okino
| The introduction of informatics in nursing practice: possibility of changes in work process management Santos, Marcílio Sampaio dos; Martinez Évora, Yolanda Dora
| Implications of the use of computer networks and the internet in nursing education: its usefulness and limitations Santos, Marcílio Sampaio dos
| The conceptual interfaces between informatics and nursing: a bibliographic review Santos, Marcílio Sampaio dos; Martinez Evora, Yolanda Dora
| Scientific production in nursing: where to publish it? Canini, Silvia Rita Marin da Silva; Lange, Celmira; Santana, Mary Elizabeth de; Scherer, Zeyne Alves Pires; Santiago, Luiz Carlos; Mendes, Isabel Amélia Costa; Caliri, Maria Helena Larcher
| Subjectivity and health promotion Cruz, Thais Wense de Mendonça; Mendes, Iranilde José Messias; Cecílio, Sálua
| Communicating with body care on the basis of emotions: nursery academics test their practice Handem, Priscila de Castro; Rocha, Ronilson Gonçalves; Figueiredo, Nébia Maria Almeida de
| Taking care of children at RPA (post anesthesia recuperation) - what do the nurses think and what do the assistants do: an essay about communication that blocks traumas Rocha, Ronilson Gonçalves; Handem, Priscila de Castro; Figueiredo, Nébia Maria Almeida de
| Analysis of nursing annotations: a contribution to the systemization of nursing care Pádua, Arminda Rezende de
| Psychiatric nursing care as a communication space in psychosocial rehabilition Casanova, Edna Gurgel; Porto, Isaura Setenta; Oliveira, Rosane Mara Pontes de
| Research (action) in nursing: the intraoperative non-verbal proxemic communication of the graduating student Porto, Isaura Setenta; Araújo, Sílvia Teresa Carvalho de
| The body senses of the nursing students in the sociopoetic learning about the non - verbal comunication of the client in preoperative reception Araújo, Sílvia Teresa Carvalho de; Porto, Isaura Setenta; Santos, Iraci dos; Santoro, Deyse Conceição
| Communication, the information as a possibility for reducing the asymmetry between the health professional and the client Soares, Narciso Vieira; Lunardi, Valéria Lerch
| Nursing consultation: a nurse/client communication process in the construction of citizenship Cardoso, Sandra Maria de Mello
| Communication: an important instrument for humanizing nursing care in the intensive care unit Camargos, Anadias Trajano; Dias, Luciana de Oliveira
| Nurse's newly admission into an ICU: the importance of an educational program related to their inclusion Nishiyama, Katia; Beccaria, Lúcia Marinilza; Ittavo, Josimerci
| Communication during the visit to the bed as a nursing care quality factor Sousa, Rosiléa Alves de; Pessoa, Sarah Maria Fraxe; Herculano, Marta Maria Soares; Vale, Maria Alette Pinto do
| Sexual and reproductive health workshop for the deaf: methodological strategy for minimizing comunication problems Sousa, Rosiléa Alves de; Pagliuca, Lorita Marlena Freitag
| Experiencing an encounter group with mothers of interned newborns Campos, Antônia do Carmo Soares; Cardoso, Maria Vera Lúcia Moreira Leitão; Sousa, Rosiléa Alves de
| Content analysis of nursing team reports Lourenço, Maria Regina; Zborowski, Ilza dos Passos; Cury, Ana Maria Barbar; Trevizan, Maria Auxiliadora; Fávero, Neide
| Nursing report: its importance in the control and prevention of infections related with veined catheters of clients with HIV/AIDS Johanson, Laura; Dantas, Claudia de Carvalho; Leite, Joséte Luzia; Stipp, Marluci Andrade Conceição
| Nursing and the nurse in the view of in patients at a private hospital Caldonha, Alessandra Mazzo; Mendes, Isabel Amélia Costa; Trevizan, Maria Auxiliadora; Nogueira, Maria Suely; Hayashida, Miyeko
| Focus on sexuality teaching in a nursing undergraduation course Ramin, Célia Souza de Araújo; Soler, Zaida Aurora Sperli Geraldes
| Music as a facilitating element in teacher-student interaction Ramin, Célia Souza de A.; Cesarino, Claudia Bernardi; Ribeiro, Rita de Cássia H. M.; Brandão, Vânia Zaqueu
| From conflicting relationship to mutual respect: consolidation of the role of midwives in childbirth care Bonadio, Isabel C.; Koiffman, Márcia D.; Minakawa, Márcia M.; Oliveira, Márcia A. Ferreira de
| The neutrality principle as nurse - family interaction strategy Galera, Sueli Ap. Frari; Luis, Margarita Antonia Villar
| What students pick up from preventive advertisements about alcohol and drugs: a pilot study Luis, Margarita A.V.; Pillon, Sandra C; Costa, Lílian A.; Oliveira, Patrícia P.
| Home care producing subjectivity and possibilities of (re)creation of health work Pereira, Maria José Bistafa; Mishima, Silvana Martins; Fortuna, Cinira Magali; Matumoto, Silvia
| The verbal communication of the nursing staff from an adult intensive care unit during the visiting process: the visitors' perspective Matsuda, Laura Misue; Victor, Ana Cleide Soares; Martinez Évora, Yolanda Dora; Mello Neto, Gustavo Adolfo Ramos de
| Welcoming reception: a reflection on alterity in the relation among workers and clients in the work of the basic health network Matumoto, Silvia; Mishima, Silvana Martins; Fortuna, Cinira Magali
| Reflections about nurse-patient communication with respect to privacy invasion Pupulim, Jussara Simone Lenzi; Sawada, Namie Okino
| Pictorial communication applied as a strategy for teaching the NANDA taxonomy: experience report Arreguy-Sena, Cristina; Stuchi, Rosamary Aparecida Garcia; Carvalho, Emília Campos de
| The communication of the nursing team about the localization of the place of insertion of intravenous device(s): instrument making and maintenance Arreguy-Sena, Cristina; Carvalho, Emília Campos de
| The communication between the team and parents at a neonatal intensive care unit of a university hospital Munhoz Gaíva, Maria Aparecida; Scochi, Carmen Gracinda Silvan
| Interpersonal relationship: important birth care factor according to the evaluation by the mothers Hoga, Luiza Akiko Komura; Félix, Carla Cristiane Paz; Baldini, Patrícia; Gonçalves, Raquel Cunha; Silva, Thaís Rodrigues de Almeida
| Communication as a tool for the welcoming reception in health units Matumoto, Silvia; Mishima, Silvana Martins; Fortuna, Cinira Magali; Pereira, Maria José Bistafa
| Preparing the service relationship : tool for the welcoming reception in health units? Matumoto, Silvia; Mishima, Silvana Martins; Fortuna, Cinira Magali; PereiraII, Maria José Bistafa
| Challenges of administrative communication in nursing Campos, Luciana de Freitas; Melo, Marcia Regina Antonietto da Costa
| The woman as a care object/subject Lage, Débora Vendrúsculo; Mai, Lilian Denise; Almeida, Mariza Silva
| Importance of communication in the evaluation of the quality of nursing care and satisfaction of woman after delivery Mendoza, Aurora Zamora; Hernández Castañón, Maria Alejandra; Luis, Margarita Antonia Villar
| The interfaces of surgical programming: from tradition to informatization Cologna, Maria Helena Yasuko Takeno; Rosa, Abdala; Goes, Wilson Moraes; Pozze, Rosemary Breda; Silva, Clélia de Jesus da
| The communication process experienced by the elderly in a home for old people Centa, Maria de Lourdes; Chaves, Maria Marta Nolasco; Moreira, Elaine Cristhine
| Interpersonal relation and communication in the childbirth and delivery rooms Wonsttret, Luiz Eduardo; Moreira, Elaine Cristhine; Centa, Maria de Lourdes
| The communication between the woman in pospartum and the health professional Centa, Maria de Lourdes; Oberhofer, Patrícia de Resende; Chammas, Jorge
| Network availability of the work designation of the nursing team at the hospital das clínicas of the UFMG Magalhães, Zídia Rocha; Gonçalves, Leonor; Faria, Guilherme Fátima de; Dahi, Amira Cahla; Nascimento, Eni Cristine Santos